A Superior Methodology for After-Action Reviews

Alexander James Raymond
3 min readApr 5, 2023


After-Action Reviews (AAR) is a simple yet effective method for fostering a culture of learning. These meetings consist of team members gathering to discuss a project, event, or activity in an open manner.

A post-action review is a procedure wherein team members debate what transpired. It enables individuals to learn from their past mistakes and enhance their performance in the future. In contrast to traditional post-mortems, after-action evaluations are conducted while the project is still in progress, and the observations made are current.

AARs can also be used to help teams learn from one another’s errors and successes, thereby fostering team growth. When properly executed, they can serve as a vital instrument for fostering an organizational learning culture that can be used to support continuous improvement.

Leadership must set the tone for a culture of learning, and employees must assume responsibility for their own learning. According to Mind Tools Doucet, leaders who value learning will likely inspire others to do the same.

Managers can help their teams learn by allowing their direct reports time to participate in educational courses or other programs. Managers can also commend employees for making time for education.

Accountability is one of the essential aspects of any employment. Without it, it can be difficult for employees to remain motivated and productive.

Accountability can aid in optimizing employee ownership, boosting productivity and motivation, and empowering workers to develop inventive solutions without pointing fingers at others. Creating a culture of accountability, however, requires strategic measures.

You must first establish precise expectations for all employees. This includes the creation of challenging and measurable objectives, such as an OKR framework. Second, you must develop a procedure for post-action evaluations. These audits ensure that everyone understands their responsibilities and achieves their objectives.

Creating a culture of accountability also requires that employees feel secure admitting their errors. This will encourage them to communicate when they require assistance. It will also prevent them from making the same errors in the future.

The US Army initially used after-action evaluations to evaluate combat missions, but they can be applied to any endeavor or activity. They are a method for capturing both positive and negative outcomes and learning from them so that future initiatives will be successful.

Incorporating an after-action review into your organization’s processes and ethos is the best method to accomplish this. You can help employees take pride in their work by ensuring that everyone involved in the project has the chance to discuss it and share their lessons learned.

After the after-action evaluation has been completed, ensure that any necessary changes are implemented immediately. This will prevent the project from failing further and the team from becoming discouraged.

After-action evaluations are an excellent method for capturing project or strategy-related lessons learned. This allows all project participants to learn from their experiences and enhance their future performance.

It also fosters trust among team members and increases the overall level of workplace collaboration. A company’s prosperity is inextricably tied to its ethos of collaboration.

Leaders must empower employees and provide them with opportunities for collaboration in order to foster a culture of collaboration. This results in increased employee satisfaction, productivity, and morale.

Providing employees with a clear comprehension of the company’s mission, vision, and individual roles and responsibilities is another crucial step. It guarantees that they comprehend why the company requires them to collaborate and the results of their efforts.



Alexander James Raymond

Alexander James Raymond lives in Catonsville, MD, and is very involved in his community.