Leading People When They Know More Than You Do

Alexander James Raymond
3 min readFeb 16, 2023


When you’re leading a team that has more experience and expertise than you do, it can be challenging to figure out how to lead them effectively. But it can also be an opportunity to build trust. By following through on your promises and delivering for your team, you’ll show them that you care about their success and are committed to their growth and development.

Listening is one of the most effective tools for improving employee engagement. It can increase workplace morale, improve productivity and reduce turnover rates.

When employees feel that their leaders are listening to them, they’re more likely to be willing to share ideas for improvement. This can also lead to a culture of innovation within the company.

Despite the fact that leaders often feel they don’t have time to listen, if you make an effort to set aside extra time during meetings, it can pay off in many ways.

The best way to ensure you’re listening correctly is to ask questions, gather feedback and encourage your team members to elaborate on their input. By doing this, you’ll gain insights into your people’s concerns and perspectives and help them understand what is important to you.

Mentors often have a wealth of experience to share and are familiar with the stresses and challenges that come with new careers. They can also help mentees to develop and hone their hard and soft skills.

Being a mentor can be an opportunity to strengthen your professional networks, reinforce your skills and knowledge and offer a sense of fulfillment.

It can also be a chance to practice crucial leadership skills, including coaching and giving feedback.

It takes time and effort to build a solid mentor-mentee relationship, but it can be well worth the work. If you’re not enjoying the mentoring experience, it’s OK to bow out. However, it’s essential to stay the course and persevere through any difficulties.

Micromanagement is a dangerous management style that can harm your employees and the company as a whole. It causes a lot of stress and anxiety and discourages people from working independently.

While micromanaging may be appropriate for some tasks and projects, it’s usually a bad idea in general.

It can also be a sign that your team doesn’t trust you.

You should always be able to trust your team to work independently and produce good results. If you’re not, it might be time to consider a change.

One of the best ways to see if you’re micromanaging is to ask your team how they feel about it. They can give you feedback anonymously and allow you to see what’s really going on. This can help you to understand if your management style is harmful.

Asking questions is a powerful tool that can strengthen the relationships between team members. It can also help them learn what they need to know in order to be successful.

It’s often a fear of asking questions that keeps people from leading. It can be hard to know when it’s time to ask a question and how to get the best response from the person you’re speaking with.

If you’re unsure about how to ask, start with simple, straightforward questions. This will allow the other person to answer your question with ease and confidence.

Flexible leaders are able to adapt to situations and respond appropriately. They also build a trusting relationship with their followers, who know that they can rely on them to make the right decisions.

To be flexible, you need to understand your own reactions to change. This means immersing yourself in new environments and situations.

You may even need to create a support system to help you be more flexible in times of change. This can include mentors, friends, coaches, trusted peers, or professional colleagues.

It would help if you also took time to reassess your approach on a regular basis. This allows you to evaluate your progress and determine whether or not you need to change your leadership style. It can also give you the opportunity to look for new ways to solve problems that may not have occurred before.



Alexander James Raymond

Alexander James Raymond lives in Catonsville, MD, and is very involved in his community.